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  • Adopted OpenXR standard, enabling KeyVR to support any OpenXR-compatible headset

  • Added new sketch tool

  • Added a slider in the preferences to better control the amount of Variable Rate Shading applied (only available with Turing or newer NVidia GPUs)

  • Removed backface culling checkbox in the preferences

  • Reworked graphics quality presets (low, medium, high, ultra and custom) to have a larger effect on performance

  • Replaced individual controller models with avatar hands in VR

  • Improved main window and side bar UI


  • Added support for KeyShot 11 scenes

  • Subscription license sign in now supports the KeyShot Single Sign-On solution replacing previous login solution

  • Added a "Change license" option to the Welcome Window

  • Fixed an issue where the VR/Desktop mode could become inverted


  • Fixed an issue where new NVIDIA graphics drivers would prevent KeyVR from launching correctly (error message: "Failed to compile shaders")


  • Multi-user sessions with KeyVR Connect

  • Measure Tool, which allows the user to make any number of measurements in the scene with optional snapping

  • Precise Move Tool, which allows the user to move objects, without accidental jittering, on single axes or planes, with optional snapping

  • Objects (in Precise or Regular Move Object mode) can be rotated in-hand while held

  • Held objects (in Move Object mode) will now remain in-hand while the user is flying, teleporting or switching into cameras with the other controller

  • Material baking, using a cache for improved load times. Baking allows KeyVR to support various material effects better, such as Labels

  • The user can now rotate while teleporting by dragging a line

  • The user can now define multiple ground levels through camera placement, and will stay aligned to the ground when teleporting in scenes with multiple floors

  • Snapping for precise move tool, measurements and in-hand object rotating

  • Selectable scene units, for measurements and snapping

  • The user can now scale themselves between 1/1000x and 20x of their actual height, useful to inspect smaller scenes in more detail or adjust scenes with wrong scale quickly on-the-fly

  • Memory optimizations, which allow KeyVR to load scenes with many more environments than before.

  • XR Mode, which replaces the scene environment with realtime camera imagery if available (supports Valve Index, Varjo XR product line and NVIDIA’s CloudXR 1.0 and 2.0 on mobile devices).

  • New licensing options (subscription, floating licenses, node-locked)

  • New accessibility options: Confine the VR user to the scene’s environment, to prevent accidental escape, and toggle controller vibration

  • Support for using the mouse as a controller replacement when in VR mode, allows remote controlling of VR experiences

  • Rotation in fly mode changed from swipe to normal analog stick move or button press, depending on controller, and increased angle, to allow for faster turning

  • Fully customizable graphics settings, also includes presets: Ultra, High, Medium, Low

  • Support for NVIDIA Variable Rate Shading technology on supported GPUs, which gives improved performance while maintaining high visual fidelity

  • General UI/UX overhaul



  • Support for reading KeyShot 10 scenes



  • Support for Varjo VR-1, VR-2 and VR-2 Pro through SteamVR

  • Object info showing part name, object name and material name in VR

  • Font size in VR slider in preferences

  • New check boxes for clear indication of active items in multi materials, modelsets and environments selection in VR

Bug Fixes / Improvements

  • Improved text and menu contrast in VR

  • Valve Index Controller geometry misalignment fixed



  • 3D widget to accurately move and rotate objects (When in Move Object mode, click trigger quickly to show move widget)

  • Reflections and color transmission on transparent materials improved significantly

  • Support for color thickness for Glass (Solid), Gem, Liquid and Dielectric

  • Refraction (approximation) for Glass, Glass (Solid), Gems, Liquid and Dielectrics

  • Hide/show multiple model-sets

  • Anti-aliasing on screenshots

  • Updated Controller Geometry for Valve Index and Oculus Rift S

  • Support BIP and KSP files in KeyShot 9 format

Bug Fixes / Improvements

  • Optimized load time for long/disabled animations

  • Optimized load time for degenerate or small objects/triangles

  • Better Show and manipulate very small objects

  • Fixed crash on scene load



- New material support; mold tech, emmisive, and flat

- Improved rendering quality for bump maps and support for both normal and height mapped textures

- New screenshot tool in VR (up/down on trackpad/touchpad to manipulate FOV to zoom in and out)

- Preferences menu under "File" to customize experience

- Possibility to supress all warnings and errors (for presentations etc.). In File > Preferences menu

- Rumble haptic feedback added to VR controllers

- Animated cameras are supported

- Tumble, pan and dolly camera mode if no VR headset is attached or Desktop mode rendering is selected

- New controller looks, including icons for current mode

- High DPI multiplier support for monitors with high resolution

- Activate serial codes in-app

- Ability to deactivate and reactivate serials

- Integrated crashreporter from help menu (or when crashes are detected)

- Improved shadow quality when moving around scene

- Best-effort support for legacy textures (should still be upgraded in KeyShot if possible)

Bug Fixes

- Fixed the narrowing of field of view when in Fly mode on Oculus (could result in cross-eyed)

- Can now grab objects even if the controller intersects geometry

- Fixed a severe slowdown if Desktop viewing mode was resized many times (GPU memory leak)

- Minor changes and polish in UI, Welcome, Logging and Error/Warning reporting

- Consistent transition between camera and environment even in low frame-rate situations

- Swipe to rotate only in move modes

- Many crash fixes for various KSP and BIP files



- Flying mode for precise movement in VR

- Gravity slider introduced in the Desktop UI.

- Highlight material that can change when selecting switch material

- Highlight objects that can be moved when selecting move object (locked object from KeyShot are static)

- Icon updated

- Warning and error handling will now report directly when unsupported features or errors are detected

- VR menu now only shows items (modelset, animation, switch material, switch environment) when the scene includes such possibilities

- The UI now greys out items that are not usefull for a particular scene (modelset, animation, switch material, switch environment)

- Starting location in VR is now always at ground level - but under/over the active camera.

Bug Fixes

- Processbar giving updates for large amount of parts and models

- Smooth transition between levels of detail in soft shadows (no more sharp boundaries)

- Better out-of-memory check

- Corrected a pinch near the pole in flattened environments

- Animations are now smooth even if the framerate drops (delta time dependent)

- All dropdown boxes in the UI start at the actual active element from KeyShot (environment, camera, modelset)

- Looking into an object through a transparent part could sometimes result in visual artifacts

- Fixed a bug where environment grid ui can have artifacts on AMD graphics cards

- Fixed a bug where the environment grid ui was not gamma/brightness corrected (often too dark looking)



- Use flick of thumb (Oculus) or swipe on trackpad (Vive/MR) to rotate and move up and down 1 meter at a time.

Bug fixes

- Corrected a bug where the camera indicators would be offset incorrectly

- Teleport indicators no langer drag after teleport event

- Multiple different transition events can occur at the same time without visual artefacts (rotate, raise ground level, change env, teleport)

- animations on body group parts would not load

- Very small bounding boxes for parts would leave the loading hanging at "99% done" for a long time

- Modelsets were incorrectly hidden and shown (resulting in mixing of parts and objects)



- Mirror rendering is now always in correct aspect ratio and from one eye (same on Oculus and OpenVR)

- Detach button detaches mirror rendering from Gui window (move to screen where fullscreen is wanted)

- Fullscreen button launches mirror rendering in fullscreen (ESC to leave fullscreen)

- Show/hide button hides or shows mirror rendering (slight performance boost if not needed)

- Statistics window (Help > Statistics) revised to show triangle count for current modelset

- Warning window appears when there are less than 10 days left on license

- Active sub material and active environment is read by KeyVR and applied at startup

Bug fixes

- No longer shows large shadow on ground when controllers are not tracking but detected

- Grid UI is centered on view and controlling the pointer is easier

- Drag and drop til welcome window with Ksp and Bip no longer crashes KeyVR, but load them instead

- Update might fail if no ssl available (now included)

- Animating and physics state correctly aligned between engine and UI

- Warning for uv coordinates different from 2

- Updating from within KeyVR.exe could sometimes not close KeyVR.exe for update


Animations detected correctly (problem detecting animations in some parts of scene tree since 8.2.15)


Changed manual from internet link to local html pages


On a system with both Oculus SDK and SteamVR installed KeyVR will prioritize Oculus detection first - and will correctly detect both Oculus and OpenVR driven HMD's.

Oculus controller geometry used when Oculus SDK is detected instead of default (Vive controller geometry)


Do not show menu entries in VR and grey out in GUI (animation, physics, model-sets, environments) that are not available in Bip/Ksp file

  • No labels